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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts GB244, including undated records
GB244 Ayrshire Archives 1975
GB244/AA2 Ravenspark Hospital 1858-1969
GB244/AA9 Isle of Arran War Memorial Hospital 1923-1977
GB244/AA10 Board of Management for Isle of Arran Hospitals 1961-1967
GB244/AA17 Ailsa Hospital 1858-1971
GB244/ATD1 I M Macintosh Papers 1736-1969
GB244/ATD2 Stevenson, Ferguson & Buchanan Records c 1760-1893
GB244/ATD3 Brown, Carrick & Co letterbook 1792-1805
GB244/ATD4 Kilwinning Total Abstinence Society 1857-1864
GB244/ATD5 Account roll of David Cunningham of Robertland 1631-
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