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Thursday 4 July 2024 03:46
Search results overview - Persons sorted by name.
Simple search for person records where any field contains any of the words Walter baird smyth , including undated records
NA13071 Abbey Kirk Session 1169-
NA14537 Airdrie Rob Roy Club literary and social club 1867-
NA8083 Alexander Adam lock, hinge and safe manufacturer 19th century
NA17320 Alexander Baird merchant and baillie of Edinburgh 1650-1709
NA11830 Alexander Campbell writer and music-master 1764-1824
NA22371 Alexander Howland Smith forger 1890
ABD69 Alice Ivy Hay of Seaton, Aberdeenshire author, violinist -1982
ED168 Allan Cunningham Miscellaneous writer 1784-1842
NA18819 Anchor Line Ltd shipping company 1856-1935
ED547 Andrew Brown Professor of Rhetoric Church of Scotland minister 1763-1834
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