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Search results overview - Persons sorted by name.
Simple search for person records where any field contains the word or phrase D W Henderson, including undated records
GL919 A R Henderson and Co Ltd ironmongers 1903 - 1971
ABD284 Aberdeen Institution for the Deaf and Dumb 1819-1918
NA4093 Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 1739-
ABD282 Aberdeen Trawlowners and Traders Engineering Company Ltd. 1901-1971
ABD177 Adam Craig arranger 1695
NA4610 Alexander Henderson Builder, Aberdeen c1860-c1885
NA21265 Alloa Bowling Club 1880-1988
NA18819 Anchor Line Ltd shipping company 1856-1935
NA18729 Anderson, Fyfe, Littlejohn and Company solicitors 1922-
DS/UK/25652 Andrew Tannahill poet and translator 20th century
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