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Search results overview - Persons sorted by name.
Simple search for person records where any field contains the word or phrase Croy, including undated records
GL897 A and J Faill Ltd civil engineering contractors and quarrymasters 1858-1990
NA11196 Ardesier, Croy and Petty Nursing Association 1915-1951
NA13218 Cawdor Kirk Session 1567-1967
NA22007 Croy Free Church 1856-2900
NA12738 Croy Kirk Session 1560-1967
NA11345 Croy Parish Council 1895-1930
NA11344 Croy Parochial Board 1845-1895
NA11551 Croy School Board 1872-1918
NA11558 Croy School Management Committee 1918-1947
NA17641 Elizabeth Rose of Kilravock 1747-1815
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