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Search results overview - Persons sorted by name.
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NA18391 1877-
NA6793 (Robert) Laurence Binyon poet, art historian, critic 1869-1943
NA10251 [John] Cairns Reverend minister of Dumfries Buccleuch Street United Free Church 1895-1924
ED230 [John] Lizars Surgeon 1787-1860
NA19068 [Thomas] Ritchie burgess of Calton 1816
NA19080 12th of March Bridgegate Club dining and social club 1812-1853
NA10511 1865-1936 George V King of Great Britain and Ireland 1865-1936
NA7583 19th Angus Rover Scouts 1933-1936
NA11234 1st (Inverness Highland) Volunteer Battalion 1860-1908
NA11223 1st Nairn Volunteer Artillery Corps 1860-1906
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