William Mackie, a feuar in Stonehaven, left his entire estate at his death in 1871 to found a school, Mackie Academy, in Stonehaven. The Academy was not intended as a charity but only as an aid and help to the youth of both sexes in obtaining a higher education than could be got at the parish schools. Any money left over was to be used in supplementing teachers' salaries, the main part of which was to be derived from fees. Precedence was to be given to scholars from the parishes of Fetteresso and Dunnottar: it was provided that their fee was to be half of that of children from other parishes. The first trustees were all Stonehaven men: James Scott, writer; Robert Falconer, writer; John Walt Thomson, manufacturer; Thomas Mitchell, merchant; Alexander Wood, merchant; and James Wood, druggist. When in 1889 the Amended Scheme of the Scottish Educational Endowments Commission came into force, Thomas Mitchell and Arthur Wellesley Kinnear, a solicitor in Stonehaven, were appointed as life governors under the scheme and the trust was transferred to Dunnottar and Fetteresso Educational Trust.