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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts GB231, including undated records
GB231 Aberdeen University Special Libraries and Archives nd
GB231/MS 1 Gregory I: Moralia in Job 12th century
GB231/MS 2 Bible: Old Testament: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Commentaries late 12th century
GB231/MS 3 Gregory I: Registrum late 12th - early 13th century
GB231/MS 6 Augustine: Libri contra Julianum; Letters 13th century
GB231/MS 7 Augustine: various works Mid 15th century
GB231/MS 8 Augustine: De perfectione iustitiae hominum; De ordine; De civitate Dei 13th century
GB231/MS 9 Augustine and Ambrose: Extracts on the salvation of Solomon; Augustine: sermons Early 12th century
GB231/MS 10 Gregory I: Opera Late 15th century
GB231/MS 11 Jerome: Epistolae 12th century
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