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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains all the words Shipping registers; reference number starts GB243, including undated records
GB243/CE59 Board of Customs and Excise: Glasgow Outport 1785-1911
GB243/CE82 Board of Customs and Excise: Campbeltown Outport 1738-1982
GB243/TD49 Donaldson Brothers 1866-1967
GB243/TD103 Association of Underwriters and Insurance Brokers in Glasgow 1804-1937
GB243/TD816 Hugh Hogarth & Co, Ardrossan and Glasgow, records 1845-1976
GB243/TD1351 Hogarth & Lyle Shipping Co Ltd 1890-1988
GB243/UCS2 Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co Ltd 1801-c1980
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