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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number matches GB618/ACC 9, including undated records
GB618/ACC 9/1 Aberlemno Parochial Board / Parish Council 1870-1932
GB618/ACC 9/2 Arbirlot Parochial Board / Parish Council 1927-1930
GB618/ACC 9/3 Arbroath and St. Vigeans Parochial Board / Parish Council 1846-1930
GB618/ACC 9/4 Arbroath Town Council Public Assistance Department 1925-1968
GB618/ACC 9/5 Auchterhouse Parochial Board / Parish Council 1851-1931
GB618/ACC 9/6 Barry Parochial Board / Parish Council 1845-1948
GB618/ACC 9/7 Brechin District public assistance 1930-1976
GB618/ACC 9/8 Brechin Parochial Board / Parish Council 1840-1930
GB618/ACC 9/9 Careston Parochial Board / Parish Council 1845-1930
GB618/ACC 9/10 Cortachy and Clova Parochial Board / Parish Council 1925-1929
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