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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number matches GB251, including undated records
GB251 Dundee City Archives and Record Centre nd
GB251/A Dundee Corporation: Medical Officer of Health 1878-1990
GB251/A4/6/2 City of Dundee District Council Title Deeds 1965-1973
GB251/B Dundee District Court 1978-1993
GB251/BRA1041 Fothringham Family of Pourie, Forfar 1862
GB251/BRA1784 Dick Family, Pitkerro 1786-1882
GB251/BRA1810/D.2564 Scott Family of Balhall, Brechin 1879-1935
GB251/BRA1899 Murray Family of Moness House, near Aberfeldy, Perth 1840-1888
GB251/BRA2039 Paradise House, Brechin 1899
GB251/BRA2073/D.2564 Wyllie Family Papers 1848-1926
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