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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains the word or phrase asylum, including undated records
GB227/ms37601-37627, ms38438, ms38375, ms38495; msdep13 Records of Madras College, St Andrews 1830-1957
GB230/DD19 Reformatory school papers 1862
GB230/DD22 Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum: medical reports 1846-1848
GB230/RGH Robert Gordon's Hospital 1834-1945
GB231/MS 2582 Letter from John MacRobin to an unknown recipient 25 December 1877
GB231/MS 2769 Papers of Davidson and Garden, advocates, Aberdeen 14th century-20th century
GB231/MS 2813 Robert Jamieson: 'Insanity, clinical medicine and clinical surgery' 1861
GB231/MS 3039 William Harvey Trust: papers 1834 - 1923
GB231/MS U.706 - 710 Education Endowments Scheme 1928-1952
GB232/CH2/711 Records of Dingwall / Dingwall St Clement's Kirk Session 1674-1974
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