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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains any of the words Walter baird smyth , including undated records
GB224/CH2/1249 Records of Gartmore/Gartmore West/Port of Menteith and Gartmore/Gartmore Kirk Session 1790-2008
GB226/GGD32 Patronage of Kirkpatrick Irongray 1757-1758
GB226/GGD101 Walter Mason Trust papers 1989-1990
GB226/GGD130 Papers of the Architect Walter Newall (1780-1863) 1817-1888
GB226/GGD131 Architectural Plans and Drawings of Walter Newall, Dumfries Architect (1760-1863) c1803-1855
GB226/GGD140 Painting of Corsane's House in the Kirkgate, Dumfries 1889
GB226/GGD299 Grierson and Davidson Families 1870s-1890s
GB226/GGD310 Instrument of Sasine by Walter Riddel 1792
GB226/GGD311 Letters of Walter Beattie, Trader in West Africa 1893-1907
GB226/GGD500 Allanton, Friars' Carse and Associated Papers 1736-1849
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