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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains any of the words Glasgow Yeshiva; reference number matches GB1220, including undated records
GB1220 Scottish Jewish Archives Centre nd
GB1220/AUD.CD0011 Photographs from the Archives for Glasgow Museum nd
GB1220/AUD.CD0012 Glasgow Israel Committee 12 May 2005
GB1220/AUD.CD0021 Glasgow Reform Synagogue 6 July 2007
GB1220/AUD.CD0043 Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society 6 Mar 2009
GB1220/AUD.DVD0036 Glasgow Jewish Representative Council 18 July 2008
GB1220/AUD.DVD0043A Glasgow Hebrew Burial Society: Register of Glenduffhill Cemetery 1934 - 2005 6 Mar 2009
GB1220/AUD.TAP0005 Glasgow Yeshiva 2 Nov 1990
GB1220/AUD.TAP0010 Prof Aubrey Newman Glasgow Zionism centenary Lecture 28 Apr 1991
GB1220/AUD.TAP0014 Glasgow Yeshiva 23 June 1992
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