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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains the word or phrase D W Henderson, including undated records
GB224/PD1/95 Bruce and Thistle Friendly Society of Bannockburn Papers 1815-1825
GB226/GGD129 Press Cutting re George Henderson's Murder 1838
GB227/CH2/1209 Records of Leuchars / Leuchars St Athernase Kirk Session 1665-1985
GB230/DD1/35 Sir William Henderson: commission 1888
GB230/DD62 Alexander Henderson, builder: papers 1864-c1881
GB231/MS 631 T. Grahame: 'Collectanea anent Temple superiorities of the county of Aberdeen now belonging to Alexander Macdougall, etc.' 1830
GB231/MS 1066 Records of Inverness Presbyterial Library c1706-c1743
GB231/MS 1080 Alexander Henderson: Lectures on the Animal Economy 1802
GB231/MS 1100 Urquhart of Cromarty family papers 1311 - 1917
GB231/MS 2034 - 2041 Papers of John Alexander Henderson(fl 1890 - 1928), antiquary, Aberdeen 19th century-20th century
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