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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains the word or phrase Croy, including undated records
GB232/CH2/76 Records of Croy and Dalcross / Croy North Kirk Session 1640-1950
GB232/CH2/554 Records of Presbytery of Nairn 1773-1929
GB232/CH2/674 Records of Cawdor Parish / Cawdor Old Kirk Session 1719-2003
GB232/CH3/484 Records of Croy Free Church / Croy United Free Church / Croy West Church of Scotland 1882-1934
GB232/CI/7/1-24, 26, 28, R79/L/1, R79/1/2 County of Inverness-shire: Poor Relief 1822-1930
GB232/D89 Doig and Company, Architects, Elgin 1873-1914
GB232/D472 Highland Churchyard Memorials 1997
GB232/R79/N Ardesier, Croy and Petty Nursing Association 1915-1951
GB232/R81/C/a,-f, R81/K/1-8, R81/D/a-c, CN/5N/26-27, R17/A/5, CN/5N/21-23, ED/CN/5/N/1-7,20, 10-20, R81/F/1,5, R81/E/1-5, R81/H/1-2 Nairnshire County Council 1801-1975
GB233/Acc.10853/294-324 Sutherland Estate Papers Leases Dornoch Parish 1789-1929
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