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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains all the words farm diaries, including undated records
GB226/GGD321 A McConchie, Farmer in Mains of Penninghame 1885-1892
GB231/MS 3017 Papers of Alexander Keith 16th - 20th century
GB231/MS 3361 Papers of Burnett family of Leys (Crathes Castle papers) 14th century-20th century
GB231/MS 3732 Papers of Robert Lawson relating to Parkhill Farm, Dyce 1955 - 1977
GB231/MS 3778 Andrew Mathieson: farming diaries 1878 - 1908
GB233/Acc.7451 Papers and Correspondence of Seton Gordon CBE 1887-1970
GB233/Acc.8100 Papers of the families of Gray of Carntyne and Anstruther Gray of Kilmany 1518-1953
GB233/Acc.8287 Smith-Sligo of Inzievar 1685-20th century
GB233/Acc.8844 Papers of Jean Mary Allan (1899-c 1976), librarian and novelist c1921-1976
GB233/Acc.11021 Barberfield Farm 1861-1993
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