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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains all the words Spens; dates between 800 and 1500, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
B13/22/7 Transumpt made in presence of John Balfoure, sheriff-depute of Fife, at the instance of Paul Kynloch, one of the bailies of Cupar, of charter by James I (B13/22/3) 4 May 1474 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/8 Instrument narrating that in the presence of David, Lord Lyndesay of Byrie, Andrew, Lord Gray, and Alexander Lyndesay of Uchirmunse, Justiciars north of the Forth in that part for perambulating the marches between the common lands of the Burgh of Cupar, pertaining to the provost, bailies, council and burgesses, and the lands of Kerslogy, belonging to George Clapan of Kerslogy, Alexander Seton of Parbroitht, prolocutor for the assize chosen by the justiciars to perambulate the said marches, according to the tenor of the brieve of perambulation, required both parties to show their charters, evidents and rights. Then David Lyndesay, provost, in name of said Burgh, produced letters and charters of King James I and Duke Robert, Governor of Scotland, for the claims and rights of the said Burgh, but the said George refused to show his charters, whereby the assize was unable to discern and divide the marches. Upon the Moirbrakkie. 9 Jun 1485 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/9 Perambulation in presence of David, Lord Lyndesay of Birie, and Alexander Lyndesay of Uchirmunse, deputes of justiciary of David Earl of Craufurde, Justiciar within the sheriffdom of Fife, Perth, Forfar and Kincardine, of the marches between property of the lands of Pittyncreiff called Welcruckie, belonging to Alexander Spens of Pittyncreiff, and the property or common of the Burgh of Cupar, belonging to the provost, bailies, burgesses and community of the same, by Alexander Seton of Parbroitht, David Ynglice of Wester, George Ramsey of Foxton, Thomas Flesser, Alan Mens, John Tarvat, burgesses of Cupar, John Foude and John Gregor, bailies thereof, elected with consent of the said Alexander Spens and David Lyndesay, provost of the said Burgh, to perambulate the said matches. 20 Oct 1485 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/10 Perambulation in presence of David, Lord Lyndesay of the Byris, Andrew, Lord Gray, and Alexander Lyndesay of Ochtirmonsy, justiciars in that part to perambulate the marches between the lands pertaining to the alserman, bailies and community of the Burgh of Cupar and the lands petaining to George Claphaine of Kerslogy, according to a compromise made between them in the presence of Colin,Earl of Argile, Chancellor, David Earl of Crawfurd, Justiciar within Fife, Perth, Forfar and Kincardine, Robert Lord Lile, John Lord Bothwele, and John the Ross of Montgrenan. 5 Apr 1487 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/11 Extract act of court of Chamberlain Ayre, held at Crail by Alexander Spens of Pettinoreff and Adam Crechtone of Kippane, Chamberlains-depute, narrating that Alexander Balcomy, bailie and commissioner of the burgh of Cupar, became enacted to appear before the lords of Council in the next session and, with the counsel of his neighbours, to summon the bailies and commissioners of the Burgh of Crail, for non-fulfilment of certain appointments made between the bailies, council and community of Crail and the alderman, bailies and community of Cupar, and that in the meantime Michael Calff in Balgormo and 110 others should be continued unentered at the command and charge of the Great Chamberlain's letters, the said bailie being responsible for an unlaw of the ayre for each person. 3 Feb 1490/1491 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/12 Extract Act of Court of Chamberlain ayre hold at Cupar by Alexander Spens and Adam Crechtoun, chamberlain-depute, whereby David Lyndesay of the Mont, provost of Cupar, Alexander Balcomy, John of Guynd, bailies thereof, and John of Cunynghame of the West Bernis, William Symsons and William Calwart, bailies and commissioners of Crail, became enacted that the former should raise a summons against the bailies, council and community of Crail, for non-fulfilment of certain appointments, indentures and writs made between the said burghs 'of certain boundis of fredome debatable depended betuix thaim' and that the party losing the action should be responsible to the Great Chamberlain for an unlaw for each person indicted to the present ayre by the other. 7 Feb 1490 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B13/22/14 Instrument narrating that David Lyndesay of Monte, Provost of Cupar, on behalf of the bailies, council and community thereof, alleged that recently, by order of Andrew Lundy of Carnbo, sheriff of Fife, according to the tenor of diverse royal letters directed to him and the old perambulation, the metee, marks and props of the Threpmure between the burgh of Cupar and Kerslogy had been 'imputt and insett' where they were before, without any alteration or variation, by Alexander Lamby and Andrew Kyde, citizens of St. Andrews, David Monypenny of Kinkell, Gilbert Hay of Fudy, Alexander Seitoun of Parbroitht, Andrew Ansstrodyr of that ilk, John Betoun of Balfoure, Alexander Lochmalony of that ilk and John Spens, burgess of Crail. Which perambulators, having considered a letter of Andrew Charteris and Patrick Wellis, burgesses of Perth, consenting to the promises, confirmed all and sundry contained in the said old perambulation. Done at the Theifis Rod on the Threpmure. 24 Oct 1498 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
B66/25/12 Letters patent by Robert, Bishop of Dunblane, ordaining charter B66/25/11 to be transumed, and the transumpt to have the same force and validity as the original charter.
Witnesses: Mr. John Cristison, Mr. Malcolm Drummonde, canons of Dunblane; sir Thomas Nicolson, sir Simon Lyel, chaplains; John Kinros, Malcolm Kynbus, Philip Ruthirfurde, esquires.
Notaries: John Spens and John Scot, priests of diocese of Dunblane
21 Nov 1457 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Not Held
CH2/716/229 Edinburgh, South Leith Kirk Session - Charter by William, Lord Creichtoun, kt., chancellor of Scotland, with consent of James of Creichtoune, laird of Frendraucht, kt., his son and heir, to God, Blessed Mary, Saint Anthony and all the saints, in general, and to master of hospital of Saint Anthony of Leith, for souls of James, king of Scots, granter's own and that of Agnes, his spouse, of lands in town of Leith, on east side of water thereof, in barony of Restalryk, sheriffdom of Edinburgh, between lands of deceased John of Petindrecht on east, high street on west, lands of John of Wynton, rector of Penicuke on south, and the common shore on the north.
A chaplain is to be maintained for celebrating at altar of BVM on north part of church of Saint Anthony, for safety of King James, granter and his spouse
1448 This record is Open.
CH2/716/230 Edinburgh, South Leith Kirk Session - Charter by Elizabeth Lauder, daughter and one of heirs of deceased George Lauder, to master and convent of place of Saint Anthony near Leith, of annualrent of 4s scots from land in burgh of Edinburgh under the castle, between land of David Quhithed on east and land of William Rind on west, in return for money given granter by sir Alexander Craufurd 1491 This record is Open.
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]