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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts gd1/36/9, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
GD1/36/9/1 Lighthouses 1889-1897 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/2 Notes on the Progress of Lighthouses, by David A Stevenson, BSc, FRSE, M Inst, CE, Engineer to the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, International Maritime Congress, London Meeting. Jul 1893 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/3 Statement by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses to the Mercantile Marine Fund Committee. Mar 1895 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/4 Northern Lighthouses. 1895-1896 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/5 Northern Lighthouses 1895-1896 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/6 Mercantile Marine Fund. 1896 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/7 Northern Lighthouses. 1897 This record is Open.
GD1/36/9/8 Report by superintendent on the refuelling of the gas buoys in the Firth of Forth. 1898 This record is Open.
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]