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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number matches ch3/1654; dates from 1852, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
CH3/1654 Records of Edinburgh, Original Secession Church, Victoria Terrace Kirk Session 1864-1960 This record is Open.
CH3/1654/1 Edinburgh, Victoria Street, Original Secession Church: Building fund committee minute book 1864-1867 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
CH3/1654/2 Edinburgh, Victoria Street, Original Secession Church: Specification of work to be executed in the erection of the church 1865 This record is Open.
CH3/1654/3 Edinburgh, Victoria Street, Original Secession Church: Statement of costs in connection with building the church 1870 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
CH3/1654/4 Edinburgh, Victoria Street, Original Secession Church: Printed booklet - Rules and forms of ecclesiastical procedure adopted by the Synod of United Original Seceders at Glasgow 1870 1870 This record is Open.
CH3/1654/5 Edinburgh, Victoria Street, Original Secession Church: Miscellaneous papers 1956-1960 This record is Open.
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]