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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts rhp9270, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
RHP9270 Architectural drawings of Perth Prison, Elgin Prison and proposed keeper's houses 1839 & 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/1 Perth Prison, Perthshire: plan of sunk floor Nov 1839 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/2 Perth Prison, Perthshire: ground floor plan Nov 1839 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/4 Perth Prison, Perthshire: plan and section of chapel Nov 1839 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/5 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plan and elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/6 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plan and side elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/7 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plan and side elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/8 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plans and elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/9 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plans and elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
RHP9270/10 Keeper's house, Perthshire: plans and elevation 1841 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]