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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts jc26, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
JC26 High Court of Justiciary processes 1550-2008 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
JC26/1 High Court of Justiciary processes 1550-1585 This record is Open.
JC26/2 High Court of Justiciary processes 1586-1593 This record is Open.
JC26/2A Letters of Horning (apparently a stray in Justiciary records) and relative papers as to action John and Samuel Bischoppis, merchants in Middilburgh against Nicol Young, merchant in Edinburgh, for £52.7.9d. Flemish for merchandise by obligation 29 October 1593 and David Clerk, merchant in Edinburgh, for £31.4s. Flemish for merchandise by obligation 24 January 1596 following on decree of Court of Session of December 1599 21 Mar 1600 This record is Open.
JC26/3 High Court of Justiciary processes 1594-1600 This record is Open.
JC26/3A Alexander, Master of Elphi[n]stone, Treasurer, and Mr. Thomas Hamilton of Drumcairne, Lord Advocate, v. John Blak in Minigaiff and others, forestallers of markets 1 Nov [1600] This record is Open.
JC26/4 High Court of Justiciary processes 1601-1606 This record is Open.
JC26/4/1C Master Thomas Hamiltoun of Drumcairne, Lord Advocate, v. Sir David Wod of Craig and others for invading on 26 March Adam Walker, minister of Fordoun, and the presbytery of the Mearns when met to design a manse and glebe to Patrick Bonkill, perpetuall minister at Fordoun and to his successors 23 Jul 1601 This record is Open.
JC26/4/2 Extract obligation (reg. B.C. & S. 22 March 1602) by John Schewane, merchant in Dundee to Jaques Delaberge and Peter Yives [?] 'Flemyngis merchantis' 14 Aug 1601 This record is Open.
JC26/5 High Court of Justiciary processes 1607 This record is Open.
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