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ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
DD Scottish Office Development Department 1963-2003 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
DD1 Development Department: Establishment General Files 1912-1973 This record is Open.
DD1/1 Functions of National Health Insurance (Joint Committee) 1912-1920 This record is Open.
DD1/2 Heads of Branches. Appointments and allocation of duties in Pensions and Insurance Divisions of Department of Health for Scotland 1937-1944 This record is Open.
DD1/3 Department of Health for Scotland. Appointment of Commissioners to hold Inquiries 1938-1940 This record is Open.
DD1/4 Department of Health for Scotland. Suggested methods of recruiting Planning Officers e.g. from His Majesty's Forces 1943 This record is Open.
DD1/5 Setting up of Maps Group of the Department of Health for Scotland 1943-1944 This record is Open.
DD1/6 Creation of Housing Progressing Officer post in the Department of Health for Scotland 1944-1946 This record is Open.
DD1/7 Creation of Housing Production Officer post in the Department of Health for Scotland 1945-1948 This record is Open.
DD1/8 Functions of Regional Adviser on Roads and Sewers, transferred from the Ministry of Works to the Department of Health for Scotland and subsequently designated Technical Adviser on Roads and Sewers 1945-1946 This record is Open.
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]