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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number starts GD96/6, including undated records
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GD96/6 Instrument (damaged at right-hand side) narrating that power to appoint a parish clerk for the parish church of Wek was given to Gilbert [Keith], knight, by the following parishioners; William Singlar, Alan Millar, Donald Robertson, John Buge, Magnus More, James Dunda[...], John Alanson, Harald Michael, David Mil, Magnus Robertson, Donald Smyth, James Smyth, William [...] Murchurson, Angus Lychton, Donald Lychton, Andrew Lychton, Donald Nycholson (Nicholson), John Scarlot (Scarlet), [...], William Andirson (Anderson), Thomas Clerk, Magnus Mirland, William Steffaneson (Stephenson), Donald Steffenson, [...] Makbeth (Macbeth) of Ross, Andrew Adeson, William Sutherland, Magnus Jonkynson (Jenkinson), William Donald[...], Magnus Paterson, Angus Robertson, Alexander Adeson, Donald [? Wilkeson], Donald Red Athol [...]. Done in the parish church of Wek. 3 May [c 1478] This record is Open.
GD96/60 Instrument narrating that Margaret Birsbane (Brisbane), "neis and ane of the airis of wmpqhyll Alexander Birsbane of Knappo, my gudschir", confirmed all evidents of the lands of Reiss and Akirgill made by George, Earl of Cathnes (Caithness). Done at the castle (fortilicium) of Girnigo. 18/3/1554 This record is Open.
GD96/61 Instrument narrating that George, Earl of Cathness (Caithness), passed to the presence of Hercules Barclay, rector of Cannisbe, and there gave up his tack of the corn teinds of Cannisbe in the hands of the said rector, protesting that he should not be held for account or payment of the said teinds except for terms and years past. Done in the tolbooth of the burgh of Edinburgh. 10/5/1554 This record is Open.
GD96/62 Letters of bailiary by Elizabeth Innes, lady of Dunbeitht (Dunbeath), and Arthur Forbes of Balfour, her spouse, appointing George, Earl and Catnes (Caithness), their bailie of the lands of Ray, Sandside and S[...]re with the mains of Dunbe, within the bounds of Caithness. Dated at Bafour. 19/5/1554 This record is Open.
GD96/63 "I Sir William Sinclar (Sinclair) of Rosling (Roslin), knycht, sayis that umquhile William Sinclar my grandschir infeft umquhile Sir Olipher Sinclar, his sone, in the landis of the tua urislands of Noss [and] Landhelow and the sex penny land of Kirkladroun and the sex penny land of the towne of Daill, liand within the erledon of Cathness (Caithness) and sherefdome of Inverness, lyk as umquhile Sir William Sinclar, my fader, sone to the said Olipher, was infeft thairin and I siclyk infeft of the samyn, and therfoir I haiff guid rycht to the males and deweteis of the saidis landis continewalie sene the deceise of the said umquhile Sir William, my fader, quhilk wes in the monethe of May 1554, extending yeirlie in males, fermes, proffeitis and deweteis to the sowme of fyve hundrethe merkis". c1554 This record is Open.
GD96/64 Decreet by George Cutbert (Cuthbert) of Auld Castellhill, sheriff depute of Inverness, in favour of Alexander Innes of Plaidis against sir Nicolas Ross, abbot of Ferne, David Reid, subprior thereof, Donald Denone (Denholm) in Balblair, William McAlister in Westergany, John McThomas Caldell (Cadell) there, John McWilliam Grudich there, Alexander Vaus in Midgany, Thomas Hendersone (Henderson) in Eistergany, Andrew Denone in Westir Catboll, William Andersone (Anderson) in Ballamukie, William Ross there, Alexander Ross there, William McGuiben there, "deane" Donald Bane (Bain) in Ferne and the other tenants of the said abbey, anent the pendicles of the lands of Eister Catboll and Kilmuir, following on royal letters of "cognition and molestation". June 1556 This record is Open.
GD96/65 Inhibition by the commissary of Caithness directing the curate of the parish church of Cannesbie to warn the parishioners thereof to answer of their corn teinds only to George, Earl of Caithness, farmer of the same appointed by Hercules Barclay, rector of Cannesbie, or his factors. The parishioners' names and the place, day and month are not inserted. [Possibly follows on GD96/68]. 1557 This record is Open.
GD96/66 Instrument narrating that John Kenide (Kennedy), procurator for George, Earl of Cathnes (Caithness), compeared before sir Malcolm Reid, vicar of Raa and commissary substitute of Mr. William Sinclar (Sinclair), parson of Olrik and commissary general of Cathnes, at the parish church in Thursoch "within the said sir Malcumis office quher he vritis" and there required apostoli [i.e., letters allowing appeal] upon an appeal of George, Earl of Cathnes. The said John was appointed procurator for William Miller in his action and required apostoli on an appeal from the said commissary by Alexander Strabrok as procurator for the said William Millar. The commissary alleged that the said Alexander was "cursit" and could not appeal for the said William; John Kennide asked that the "cursing" should be produced, but it could not be; he also asked for an extract of an act by the said sir Malcolm monishing the said William Millar for victual to be rendered to the vicar pensioner of Cannesby, and this was refused, notwithstanding expenses offered thereon. The said John therefore appealed from the jurisdiction of the said commissary. 22/4/1557 This record is Open.
GD96/67 Instrument narrating that George Mernis (Mearns) and Thomas Mansone (Manson), procurators for George, Earl of Caithness, and William Millare (Millar), indweller in May, in an appeal moved by the said earl and William Millare against sir William Cormaksone, vicar pensioner of Cannesbie, and intimated to sir Malcolm Reid, commissary substitute of Caithness, on 22 April 1557, requested from the said sir Malcolm, personally apprehended in Thurso, apostoli or a reply to the said appeal; sir Malcolm asked the said appeal so that he might endorse his reply thereon, and the said procurators refused, alleging that he should make his reply in writing or by word of mouth per se and not by endorsement. Done in Thurso. Henry Sutherland, indweller in Thursoch (Thurso), and Alexander Henrison in Staneland. Notary - John Kennydie (Kennedy). 25/4/1557 This record is Open.
GD96/68 Instrument narrating that Alexander Strabrok, servitor and procurator of George, Earl of Cathnes (Caithness), passed to the presence of Mr. William Sincler (Sinclair), parson of Olrik, and presented to him the extract of an act of assedation of the parsonage of Cannasby made by Hercules Barclay to the said earl; he asked the said Mr. William, as commissary for the time, to decern him an inhibition in the said earl's name conform to his assedation; Mr. William replied that he demitted the office of commissary in the last general chapter of the "senye, in presens of the commissionaris and the hail seite". Thereafter the said Alexander passed to the "commond usit set of spirituall justice" within the bounds of Cathnes, namely St. Peter's church in Thursoch (Thurso), with sundry indwellers of Thursoch, seeking a judge or commissary to decern such an inhibition as was before desired, but he failed to find a judge. Done at Olrik and Thurso. 2/8/1557 This record is Open.
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