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Simple search for catalogue records where reference number matches GD16/1, including undated records
ReferenceTitleDateAccess status
GD16/1 Lands & Barony of Airlie 1431-1882 This record is Open.
GD16/1/1 License under the great seal to Sir Walter of Ogilvy of Lintrethin, kt., allowing him to erect his tower of Eroly in the form of a castle. Perth. [Part of seal appended]. [1.1] 1/5/1431 This record is Open.
GD16/1/1A MS Inventory of the Earl of Airlie's charters, [apparently compiled by John Stuart] 1850 This record is Open.
GD16/1/2 Resignation by George of Guthry of that Ilk to Sir John of Ogiluy, kt., superior of the lands underwritten, of half the land of Eroly with the pertinents. Eroly. [Seal appended]. [9/2.10] 17/10/1440 This record is Open.
GD16/1/3 Notarial instrument & Instrument of sasine. 1447 This record is Open.
GD16/1/4 Charter under the great seal in favour of Sir John of Ogilvy of Luntrethin, kt., of the Mains of Eroly with the castle of the same and pertinents. 3/3/1459 This record is Open.
GD16/1/5 Discharge of the duplicand of blench duty payable by John Ogilvy of Fingask for entry to the Maines of Arlee; given by Andrew, Lord le Gray, sheriff of Forfair. Edinburgh. [4.4] 6/7/1506 This record is Open.
GD16/1/6 Instrument of sasine following on precept of clare constat dated 4 June 1548 in favour of James Ogilvye as heir of deceased James, Lord Ogilvye of Airlie, his grandfather, in the lands of the Manys of Arlie with castle, tower and mill thereof. [5.5] 5/6/1548 This record is Open.
GD16/1/7 Contract of excambion between James, Lord Ogiluy, with consent of Jean Forbes, Lady Ogiluy, his spouse, on the one part and James, Master of Ogiluy, and Jean Ruthwene, his spouse, on the other part. 1592 June 18/30 Farnuell/Airlie 18-30 Jun 1592 This record is Open.
GD16/1/8 Charter de me by James, Master of Ogiluy, following on contract of marriage dated 22 Nov 1610 made between James, Lord Ogiluy, and said James, his son, on the one part and Sir Thomas Hamiltoun of Byres, kt., and Isobel Hamiltoun, his daughter, on the other part. 10/7/1612 This record is Open.
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