Single record details
Reference | Title | Date |
GD433 | Papers of the Balfour family of Whittingehame, East Lothian, Earls of Balfour | 1577-1954 |
GD433/2 | Balfour Papers | 1751-1954 |
Country code |
GB |
Repository code |
234 |
Repository |
National Records of Scotland |
Reference |
GD433/2/337 |
Title |
Bound volume of copy letters made by Lady Betty Balfour, interspersed with some originals. |
Dates |
1908 |
Access status |
Open |
Location |
On site |
Description |
Bound volume of copy letters: pp.1-127. Including: 3. 1908 January 8. Whittingehame Wilfrid Short to FB. Original. Thanks for being allowed to see Frank's letters; he possesses a facile and descriptive pen as well as facility for penning entertaining and epigrammatic epistles.
5. 1908 February 1. 32 Addison Road FB to Frank Balfour, her son. The suffrage deputation to Asquith had its comic side; they are mobbing the ministers whose doors are patrolled and guarded by police.
6-7. 1908 February 3-4. Pau Dr PH Waddell to FB Comments on [Gosse's] Father and Son.
8. 1908 February 7. 32 Addison Road FB to Frank Balfour, her son. Assassination of the King and Crown Prince of Portugal.
9-10. 1908 February 14. 32 Addison Road FB to Frank Balfour, her son. She has been to the library of the House of Lords to see the busts unveiled of her father and Lord Kimberley; the former a bad one; she is dubious about the policy of the violent suffragists but she admires their courage and resource; they came down to the House in furniture vans and nearly manage to surprise the police; they also threatened to come up the river in barges.
11-12. 1908 February 20. Fishers Hill BB to ABB The South Leeds election; AJB's report of an interview with Joe Chamberlain.
14-15. 1908 march 5. Fishers Hill BB to FB Account of a visit from AJB and others; they discussed the liquor bill; AJB's stories of Margot Asquith indiscreet as ever, demanding the exact precedence of prime ministers and the amount of servant accommodation at 10 Downing St.
22-7. 1908 march 21. Ruth Balfour in Egypt to BB, her mother. Long account of an unexpected proposal from Mr B.
31. n.d. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle] The Bach passion [not specified which] at St Paul's the most glorious thing she ever heard; the only thing which spoiled her pleasure was the Richmond mosaic work and gilding, which is exactly like the decoration of an American hotel; 'one expects to see a Palm Tree, coffee cups & cigars lurking about round the corner'.
32. 1908 march -. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. She must read Maurice Baring's review of Sarah [Bernhardt] in that month's National.
35-8. 1908 April 10, 18. Navarra, Spain BD to FB, her mother. A holiday in Spain; she has bought espadrilles.
39. 1908 April 11. 32 Addison Road FB to Frank Balfour, her son. Asquith's career; he has won his place by sheer ability; he is not liked by his party and Margot has not helped him to popularity; FB thinks politics will get more bitter and that AJB will find all the debating ability opposite him as he has no one but himself worth anything on his own side.
42-3. n.d. Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. Excitement about M[aurice] B[aring]'s play; it is to be given at a matinee in may at the Haymarket; GB Shaw is said to despise it; Russian folk songs on the gramophone were magnificent and recalled Manchuria to MB
46. n.d. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. They heard Paderewski playing at Lady Northcliffe's; he always plays down to a drawingroom audience.
47-8. n.d. London Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle] Reception of a performance of M Baring's play Stocking; Countess Beckendorff's view; the queen was there the second time they went.
49-50. 1908 January 23, February 27. 12 Northmoor rd., Oxford Sir W Raleigh to BB. Originals. Accepts an invitation; arrangements for arrival.
51-2/ 1908 April 5, 12. Holmleigh, West Road, Cambridge JJ Thomson to Mr Balfour. Originals. Agrees to help in selection of a professor of Physics for the Imperial College; suggests GFC Search, the Cavendish Laboratory, or PV Bevan, fellow of Trinity, or, later, Professor Bragg, University of Adelaide.
54. 1908 may 8. 32 Addison Road FB to Frank Balfour, her son. The Pension Scheme. Comment on Sargent's portrait of AJB 'I don't think I like it. It makes him about 8 feet high, & lessens the size of his head'.
55. 1908 may 14 FB to Frank Balfour, her son. AJB has laid the memorial stone in Crown Court church; installation of Dr Robertson as moderator.
57-8. 1908 may 31. Fairknowe, North Berwick Dr PH Waddell to FB 'That old chap Gillespie' promoted to the senior clerk's place in the Assembly, and he was not prepared with the time honoured phrase 'lock the doors'; he had to be reminded by the Moderator to do his duty; if Wadell had been Moderator he would have boxed Gillespie's ears; the latter speaks like a Scotch terrier and repeats each sentence in an inverted form.
67. 1908 July 11. Crabbet Neville Lytton to Con., his sister He has been to see Isadora Duncan and thought her quite wonderful, the embodiment of classic grace.
68. 1908 July 15. 32 Addison Road FB to BB She may take Gerald's advice and ask to see Asquith; the suffragists are in earnest and it is dangerous to play with the whole question. one woman is said to have gone to the Caxton Hall armed with a revolver.
70-1. 1908 July 17. 32 Addison Road FB to BB AJB convulsed the whole House in an amusing speech quoting Asquith's sayings in opposition to the closure; he suggests that FB should write to Hubert. Gladstone, who should either make an abject apology or get Asquith to see the deputation; the telephone installed at Whittingehame.
72-4. n.d. FB to BB The Lords; Roberts' speech excellent but Bob [Cecil] commented his speech was no use for there was no money for such an army so it was no use talking; Masterman's comment on taxing licences; conversation with HRH [Princes Louise] who said that she always kept on good terms with [the Emperor] William, for sake of his mother, her sister [Vicky, the German empress]; he is very affectionate but an enfant terrible; she, Louise, sure of the forthcoming German invasion, and FB thought it curious to listen to her strong German accent as she talked.
78-80. 1908 July 22, August 5. Port Sudan Frank Balfour to FB, his mother. Original. Arrangements for visiting Khartoum.
81-4. 1908 July 31. Crabbet Neville Lytton to BB, his sister. A rather jaundiced description of the presentation of his bronze medal for winning the amateur tennis championship; comments on Bonnat's Renan; other pictures.
85-8. 1908 August 3. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle], her aunt. Original and copy. The Irish priest sounds virgin soil for Aunt T's diet theories; Betts [BB] enthusiastic about Vic and Pamela at Knebworth; they had Winston [Churchill] to lunch on Sunday and they were all charmed with him, even Gerald; Winston sat up late talking to the young men about their own future careers, a non Balfourian touch.
89-94. 1908 August 20 - December 9. British barracks, Khartoum, etc. Frank Balfour to FB, his mother. Original. Arrangements for his home leave; alarm over the rise of the river which has drowned a subaltern called Cooper; return to Port Sudan.
102. 1908 Sept. 18. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. Refers to a 'little Alf' (Alfred Austin) letter; thinks it amusing that Wilfrid Blunt's way of life should be called 'patriarchal' and 'grand paternal'; 'a grandfather who causes a more than usually devoted wife to leave him in his old age because of his carryings on first with his nurse, and 2ndly with a girl - an orphan of under 30, seems to me inconsistent with patriarchal attribute'.
103. 1908 Sept. 20. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. She is too absorbed with woman's suffrage to have time to write; she now takes the paper Votes for Women!.
104. n.d. Whittingehame BB to Con Lytton, her sister. Margot Asquith's gossip that the king has complained of Lloyd George as cabinet minister addressing a meeting on subject of woman's suffrage; she tried to persuade him to give up the meeting and he said would to God he could; he had no cause to love the militants, one of whom had written to say she was glad his child had died, but he could not back out without laying himself open to charge of cowardice; Margot talked very ignorantly of the whole subject and Betty was glad that Frances spoke up for the militants tho she disapproved of their interrupting the Saturday meeting.
105-6. 1908 October 15. Chanonry Lodge, Aberdeen FB to BB She was asked to stand as rector as the women graduates candidate, against Asquith and Carson, with object of showing the suffrage strength, but the women graduates had second thoughts and withdrew from the idea.
109-10. 1908 November 22. 44 Elm Park Gardens Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. The Holloway prisoners' release and breakfast absolutely thrilling; those who knew pointed out the Infirmary and Mrs Pankhurst's cell window; there were cheers under the latter.
112. 1908 November 27. 25 Grosvenor Rd. JD Spender to Mrs Earle. Original. Lord Lytton's speech on the Licensing Bill.
113. 1908 November 27. GWB to BB. Original. Discussion of health of ABB; need to keep her informed; her health the first consideration.
114-16. 1908 November 30. Homewood Con Lytton to Aunt T[heresa Earle]. Lytton's speech on the Licensing Bill in the Lords; her own time spent getting up a petition to the king asking that suffragette prisoners should be treated as politicals and put in the first division.
117-19. 1908 December 2, 6. the Athenaeum, West Woodhay House GWB to BB. Original. Arrangements for Whittingehame in the aftermath of ABB's operation.
120. 1908 December 10. FB to Frank Balfour, her son. Margot Asquith quotes the queen as saying of the German emperor; they say he is mad, I say he is bad.
121. 1908 December 13. Easton grey HH Asquith to FB The education fiasco.
123-5. 1908 December 23. Port Sudan Frank Balfour to FB, his mother. Original. Arrangements for the regatta,
126-7. 1908 December -. 29 K. Sq. Bernard Holland to BB India; rule by the will of the people rather than god has never answered in the colonies; Knutsford gave such a constitution to Malta and Chamberlain had to take it away. Incomplete. |
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Archival history |
This record was displayed in the exhibition 'Malicious Mischief? Women's Suffrage in Scotland' from 1-31 August & on Doors Open Day 2018, 29 September. |