history |
The congregation of Kinghorn United Associate Church (Relief and Burgher congregation) was established in 1778 following the presentation of a petition to the Relief Presbytery of Glasgow, requesting that sermon be provided at Kinghorn. The congregation was duly formed and in 1779 a church with 550 sittings was erected. Additionally in 1779 Joseph Johnstone, the first minister of Kinghorn Relief Church, was ordained however in 1788 Rev. Johnstone chose to return to the Established Church and withdrew his position at Kinghorn. Following his resignation a request in the name of elders, managers and members of Kinghorn Relief Church was presented to the Burgher Presbytery of Dunfermline, requesting that they be taken under the Burgher Presbytery's charge. This transferal was immediately agreed to and Kinghorn Relief became Kinghorn Burgher Church, with many Burgher families in the area, who had prior to this time had to travel to Kirkcaldy for sermon, consequently joining with the congregation. In 1847 Kinghorn Burgher Church became part of the United Presbyterian Church and in 1900, upon the union of the United Presbyterian Church and the Free Church of Scotland, Kinghorn Free Church was renamed Kinghorn Rosslands United Free Church. A number of years later in 1918 a union was established with the former Free Church charge of Kinghorn Ladyburn , under the name of Kinghorn United Free Church. After the local union the Rosslands Church continued in use as the place of worship and the former Ladyburn church was sold. In 1929, following the union of the United Free Church of Scotland and the Church of Scotland, Kinghorn United Free became Kinghorn Rosslands Church of Scotland and a further union followed in 1961 with the congregation of Kinghorn St Leonard's, under the name of Kinghorn Church of Scotland, and under the ministry of Rev J.A. Nisbit, minister at Kinghorn St Leonard's. The congregation of Kinghorn Church of Scotland sits within the jurisdiction of the Presbytery of Kirkcaldy. |