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Titles to Land - Argyllshire (GD170/1-GD170/132) Barcaldine 1657-1829 (GD170/1-30) Lagnaha 1540-1703 (GD170/31-39) Glenorchy 1550-98 (GD170/40-43) Annat 1595-1776 (GD170/44-60) Glenure, Elrig and Sallachan 1745-1828 (GD170/61-68) Achacha and Ardeonaig 1733-1735 (GD170/69-75) Island of Lismore 1705-1801 (GD170/76-83) Other lands in Sheriffdom of Argyll 1674-1818 (GD170/84-132)
Titles to land - Perthshire (GD170/133-GD170/158) Glenlyon 1653-1740 (GD170/133-134) Kethick 1733-7 (GD170/135-140) Craighead 1765-99 (GD170/141-146) Other lands in Sheriffdom of Perth 1676-1761 (GD170/147-158)
Titles to other lands (GD170/159-GD170/196) Cambuskenneth, Stirlingshire 1572-1696 (GD170/159-166) Edinburgh 1738-1756 (GD170/167-173) Fife 1618-1735 (GD170/174-178 Lanarkshire 1757-1760 (GD170/179-181 Miscellaneous 1659-1759 (GD170/182-196
Accounts and Estate Papers John Campbell of Inveryeldies (GD170/197-GD170/200) bonds and discharges 1662-82 chamberlain of Breadalbane 1647-84 taxes 1680 teinds 1677
Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, elder (GD170/201-GD170/231) bonds discharges of annual rent and miscellaneous receipts 1673-1720 books 1671 chamberlain of Breadalbane 1671-1719 building and house repairs 1698, 1706 children and family expenses 1693-1716 clothes, tailoring and materials 1691-1719 estate correspondence 1692-1714 excise of Argyll 1692-6 feu-duties 1676-1719 garden 1719 hearth tax n.d. household sundries 1688-1719 revenue of the bishopric of the Isles 1693-5 legal accounts 1698-1702 legal papers 1693-1718 livestock 1694-1716 Lt Col John MacDougall 1691-1719 medicine, doctors' bills 1704-16 miscellaneous estate papers 1693-1720 nails 1703 Poll Tax of Argyll and the Isles 1693-9 payments of rent, tacks etc. 1679-1715 rentals 1687-93 shoes 1697 smith 1694-7 stipend 1685-1719 taxes (cess) 1680-1714 teinds and vicarage 1683-1714 wages 1719 wig 1714 wood 1688-1700
Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine (GD170/232-GD170/271) bonds, discharges, bills of exchange 1698-1740 books 1734 Bailie depute of Benderloch and Lismore 1717-36 building, house repairs 1725-33 burgess ticket 1735 John Campbell, depute chamberlain of Argyll 1735-40 china 1723-4 clothes, tailoring, dress materials 1698-1739 drink 1721-37 estate correspondence 1708-39 excise, malt 1727-36 family expenses 1700-40 feu duties 1718-39 Forfeited Estates Papers 1716-27 funerals 1732-9 furniture and wright work 1733-40 garden 1729, 1738 heritors' papers 1721-38 household sundries 1718-39 inventories 1728-36 legal accounts 1705-36 lists of debts 1717-40 livestock 1700-40 marches and dykes 1729-30 meal and victual 1716-40 medicines 1724-34 memoranda 1725-34 miscellaneous legal papers 1720-39 rent and other payments by tenants 1717-38 rentals 1719-35 saddlery 1733, 1738 schoolmaster's salary 1722-31 stipend, teind and vicarage 1718-39 tack duty 1726-35 tacks 1721-37 taxes (cess and supply) 1716-38 travel, lodging 1704-39 wages 1730-5 weaving and bleaching 1730-4 wood 1723-39
John Campbell of Barcaldine (GD170/272-GD170/306) bonds, bills, unidentified receipts etc. 1724-76 books and paper 1742-60 building, house repairs 1755-76 chaise 1752 children, family expenses 1741-78 clothes 1722-74 lists of debts 1762-75 dykes 1756, 1764 estate correspondence 1744-77 fish 1763 Forfeited Estates Papers 1748-68 freight, carriage 1758-76 furniture 1757-76 goldsmith 1765 gun 1753 household sundries 1734-74 insurance 1775 inventories 1743-75 legal accounts 1755-85 legal papers 1748-88 limestone 1764, n.d. lint n.d. livestock 1746-76 medicine 1766-75 rent and other payments by tenants, tacks etc. 1737-77 saddlery 1754-66 schoolmaster 1769, 1773 smith 1764-75 sword 1757 taxes 1765-77 teinds 1742 travel 1758-77 wages 1758-77 wigs, shaving 1742-3 wood 1749-77
Colin Campbell of Glenure (GD170/307-GD170/348) bonds, discharges, bills of exchange etc. 1732-52 books, newspapers 1748-56 brewmen 1742-7 building, house repairs 1740-51 burgess tickets 1736, 1751 Campbell of Blaircherin 1744-9 china and glass 1741-50 clothes, tailoring, materials 1734-52 drink 1749-51 estate correspondence 1741-52 factor's accounts 1746-8 family expenses 1744-50 feu duty 1739-49 fish 1745-51 Forfeited Estates Papers 1746-55 furniture 1740-51 garden equipment, seeds 1742-54 grain, meal 1736-51 guns 1747-8 hairdressing, wigs 1742 heritors' papers 1749-50 household sundries 1732-52 inventories 1745-9 ironmongery 1741-51 legal expenses 1747-51 livestock 1738-52 medicine, doctors' accounts 1744-53 military papers 1746-52 miscellaneous legal papers 1745-50 miscellaneous memoranda 1742-51 rent and other payments 1741-51 rentals 1742-9 saddlery and luggage 1735-52 silver plate, jewellery 1738-51 smith and farrier 1744-53 tacks 1735-51 taxes (cess and supply) 1743-52 teind and vicarage 1739-52 travel 1742-52 wages 1741-52 washing 1744 wood 1741-51
Lt Alexander Campbell, third son of Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine (GD170/349-GD170/375) bonds, bills 1742-51 burgess ticket 1743 charge and discharge 1750-3 illegitimate children 1747-57 clothes, tailoring, materials 1739-51 coal 1750-1 lists of debts 1746-51 ditches 1751 drink 1750-1 funeral expenses 1751 household expenses 1744-51 inventories 1746-51 legal accounts 1749-51 legal papers 1746-88 livestock 1745-50 luggage 1751 medicine, doctors' accounts 1748-51 military papers 1745-51 miscellaneous items 1751, n.d. payments of rent 1736-51 saddlery 1742-8 shaving etc 1748 smith 1746-51 swords 1744 tacks 1747 travel, lodging 1748 wages 1748-51
Duncan Campbell of Glenure (GD170/376-GD170/439) (See also GD1/775/1). banks 1765-85 blasting and quarrying 1749-82 boats 1763-81 bonds, discharges, receipts, bills of exchange 1740-84 books and paper 1745-74 building, house repairs 1749-82 china, glass 1741-81 clocks 1760, n.d. clothes, tailoring, materials 1731-84 commissions, burgess tickets 1748-61 dairy produce 1775-83 drink 1753-83 dykes and marches 1751-83 estate correspondence 1741-84 factor's accounts 1752-70 family expenses 1747-1818 ferries 1757-84 feu duty 1753-84 fish 1752-82 flax and lint 1761-81 freight, carriage and postage 1757-82 furniture 1753-83 garden equipment, seeds 1753-83 grain, meal 1752-84 guns, gunpowder 1754-8 heritors' papers 1753-84 household sundries 1743-84 insurance policies 1770-80 inventories 1742-84 Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Supply of Argyll 1753-84 kelp 1772-82 Kincardine 1771-84 Kinlochleven 1760-82 legal expenses 1752-84 lists of debts 1753-88 livestock 1747-84 children of Alexander McPherson, drover in Glenfine 1735-61 medicines, doctors' bills 1753-82 memoranda and other miscellanea 1746-82 military papers 1764-81 mills, waulkmilnes 1759-84 miscellaneous legal papers 1746-84 newspapers 1767-83 payments of rent 1746-84 rentals 1753-84 saddlery 1738-81 schoolmaster's salary 1756-84 sheriff substitute of Perthshire 1748-53 shaving, hairdressing etc. 1752-80 shoes 1754-83 silver, plate and jewellery 1739-72 smith, farrier, ironwork 1750-84 Stewart of Appin 1734-70 stipend, teind, vicarage and manse money 1755-84 tack duty 1747-82 tacks, renunciations etc. 1743-84 taxes, public burdens 1753-84 lists of tenants etc. 1753-81 travel 1752-78 vermin 1769-77 wages 1750-83 weaving and bleaching 1754-85 wood 1749-81 wool 1763-83
Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, advocate (GD170/440-GD170/502) banks 1779-98 boats 1785 bonds etc. 1764-1800 books 1762-95 building and house repairs 1785-95 Campbell of Comby 1797 chaise hire 1792 children and family expenses 1797-8 china 1788 clothes, tailoring etc. 1757-99 coach repairs 1785-93 coal 1798 crinan canal 1796-7 lists of debts 1783-1800 drink 1784-96 dykes and marches 1771-97 education 1768 estate correspondence 1765-1800 feu duty 1785-1800 fish 1786-92 flax 1785 freight and postage 1770-94 funerals 1784-8 furniture 1771-99 garden equipment, seeds 1785-96 grain, meal etc. 1781-1800 guns 1797 hairdressing etc. 1766-98 heritors' papers 1791-9 Highland Society 1792-7 household sundries 1766-98 insurance 1786-1800 inventories 1769-95 Justices of the Peace 1774-94 kelp 1784-90 Kincardine 1783-98 Alexander Campbell at Kenlochlaigh 1791-4 legal accounts 1771-97 legal papers 1787-96 livestock 1784-1800 lottery tickets 1771-91 Neil McLaren, tacksman of Inveresregan 1781-96 medicines and doctors 1769-92 memoranda etc. 1707-99 mills and waulkmilnes 1787-96 newspapers 1785-1800 peat 1786-99 quay 1788 rent and other payments by tenants 1772-1800, and tacks 1771-1800 rentals 1786-1800 saddlery, luggage 1763-93 schoolmasters' salary 1785-98 shoes 1758-97 silver, jewellery etc. 1765-92 slates 1785-91 smith 1785-98 stipend 1784-1800 taxes 1785-1800 travel, horsehire 1767-99 wages 1778-98 washing 1768-85 weaving, dying and bleaching 1787-98 wood 1769-99
Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine, 1st bt (GD170/503-GD170/588) accounts of Mary Campbell and Campbell of Achallader 1800-11 banks 1821-37 baths 1827 beadle's salary 1822-31 bills 1800-37 boats 1819 bonds, discharges of annualrent 1800-40 books 1800-32 bricks 1830 brewing and distilling 1816, 1818 bread and cake 1808-31 building, house repairs 1800-38 candles and lamps 1800-26 carriages 1804-34 children and family expenses 1800-20 china, earthenware and glass 1800-33 church and heritors 1812-33 clothes, tailoring and materials 1800-42 clocks and watches 1822-31 coal 1806-31 curators' minutes 1800-3 dairy produce 1809-26 lists of debts 1800-40 Elizabeth D Dennistoun, wife of Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine 1825-39 drink 1800-36 dykes and marches 1800-32 factor's accounts 1800-15 fairs and markets 1814, n.d. ferries 1801-34 feu duties 1800-27 fish 1818-32 freemasons 1808 freight, carriers, postage 1800-34 funeral 1800 furniture 1800-34 game including deer 1817, 1829 garden 1804-32 Glendow 1793-1807 guns 1829 hairdresser, wigs, soap and gloves 1804-34 household sundries 1800-38 insurance 1805-6 ironmongery 1800-33 inventories of household goods 1801-26 legal inventories 1801-29 jewellery, silver 1800-35 kelp 1814-18 legal accounts 1800-40 legal papers 1800-32 lime 1814-32 livestock 1800-34 luggage 1809-33 meal, grain and potatoes 1800-32 meat 1810, 1841 medicines, doctors' bills etc. 1808-37 mills 1801-26 miscellaneous estate papers 1800-35 musical instruments 1801-35 newspapers 1805-31 paper 1805-40 peats 1816-28 petitions 1803-32 pictures and prints 1811-29 quay n.d. unidentified receipts 1800-34 papers relating to payments of rent 1800-32 rentals, reports and valuations 1800-40 roads 1801-33 saddlery 1803-34 schoolmasters' salary 1803-33 seat rents 1800-1 shoes and boots 1800-40 slates 1824 smith 1808-30 stipend 1802-30 stone 1813 surveying 1814, 1835 taxes 1800-34 lists of tenants and cotters 1800-17 toys 1829 travel, horsehire etc. vermin 1823-9 wages, lists of workmen 1800-38 weaving n.d. wood 1800-37 wool 1818-24
Other later accounts 1842-1915 (GD170/589)
CORRESPONDENCE (GD170/590-GD170/3259) Note - these letters are arranged alphabetically under the recipients; when both recipient and sender have groups of letters, their letters will be found under the recipient's heading. Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, elder 1679-1720 (GD170/590-GD170/693) John Campbell, 1st earl of Breadalbane 1679-1711 (GD170/694-GD170/713) (For the Earl's own letters to Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, elder, see GD170/629) Colin Campbell of Achnaba, minister of Ardchattan 1698-1712 (GD170/714-GD170/717) (For letters to Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, elder, see GD170/611 and for letters to Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine, see GD170/751) Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine 1707-40 (GD170/718-GD170/897) Colin Campbell of Glenure 1730-52 (GD170/898-GD170/999) See also Appin Murder John Campbell of Barcaldine 1722-76 (GD170/1000-GD170/1034) Duncan Campbell of Glenure (later of Barcaldine) 1731-86 (GD170/1035-GD170/1450) Mary MacPherson, wife of Duncan Campbell of Glenure 1759-87 (GD170/1450a-GD170/1464) Robert Campbell, merchant in Stirling, son of Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine 1747-57 (GD170/1464A-GD170/1473) Lt Alexander Campbell, son of Patrick Campbell of Barcaldine 1736-51 (GD170/1474-GD170/1501) Captain Patrick Campbell, son of John Campbell of Barcaldine 1750-83 (GD170/1502-GD170/1540) Captain James Campbell, son of Duncan Campbell of Glenure 1772-82 (GD170/1541-GD170/1552) Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, advocate 1763-1800 (GD170/1553-GD170/2081) Captain Hugh Campbell, son of Duncan Campbell of Glenure 1776-96 (GD170/2082-GD170/2098) Mary Campbell, wife of Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, advocate 1785-1814 (GD170/2099-GD170/2209) Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine, 1st bt. 1802-37 (GD170/2209-GD170/2778) (As a great part of these letters is concerned with the payment of bills, the series of Sir Duncan's accounts, GD170/503-GD170/589, should also be consulted, as it contains many of the accounts for which payment is asked in these letters.) Elizabeth Dennistoun, wife of Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine, 1st bt. 1812-43 (GD170/2779-GD170/2877) Duncan Campbell, factor to Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine, 1st bt. 1798-1808 (GD170/2878-GD170/2917) John Campbell, WS 1788-1826 (GD170/2918-GD170/2974) John Archibald Campbell, WS 1811-37 (GD170/2975-GD170/2986) Sir Alexander Campbell of Barcaldine, 2nd bt. 1833-58 (GD170/2987-GD170/3024) Miscellaneous letters 1657-1920 (GD170/3025-GD170/3259)
THE APPIN MURDER (GD170/3260-GD170/3323) Legal papers 1752-8 Accounts 1752-4 Correspondence 1749-58
MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS (GD170/3324-GD170/3555) Legal and estate papers 1636-1897 Marriage contracts and testaments 1620-[1818] Military papers 1690-1840 Note, military papers directly concerning members of the Barcaldine family who have a section in the Accounts to themselves, will be found under the person concerned. Breadalbane and Mamlorn 1729-61 miscellaneous manuscripts and objects 1704-1852 printed miscellanea 1629-1925
BAILLIE OF POLKEMMET (GD170/3556-GD170/3712) (The papers of Thomas Baillie of Polkemmet, W.S., which have no apparent connection with the rest of the collection, and have been placed at the end) Letters mainly to Thomas Baillie, WS, of Polkemmet 1731-73 Miscellaneous 1708-74 Cunningham of Milncraig 1687-1754 William Walker, minister at Mackerstoun 1724-63 Tennent of Handaxwood 1672-1766
A genealogical table of the Barcaldine family can be found in the paper copy of this catalogue which is held by the National Archives of Scotland. A second table is included which shows the relationship of Thomas Baillie of Polkemet to the other groups in this section. |