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Search results overview - Persons sorted by name.
Simple search for person records where reference number starts GB232, including undated records
NA11234 1st (Inverness Highland) Volunteer Battalion 1860-1908
NA11223 1st Nairn Volunteer Artillery Corps 1860-1906
NA11088 A Cadenhead 1930-1945
NA11249 A F Bremner Session Clerk, Lochalsh Parish Church 1992
NA11237 A Lindsay 20th century
NA11149 A Sutherland 1910-1915
NA11082 A. Lawson in Inverness 20th century
NA11178 A.I. Welders Ltd 1872-
NA11187 A.J.R. Tulloch and Sons Ltd Haulage and Timber business 1937-1958
NA13500 Abernethy and Kincardine Kirk Session 1560-1932
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