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Advanced search for catalogue records where reference number starts GD84/1/21, including undated records
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GD84/1/21/1B CONTRACT of WADSET between John, Lord Rae [Reay], and Major Hugh McKy [McKay] in Keldall whereby said Lord for 2000 merks paid to him by said Major dispones to said Major liferent and the heirs male procreated between him and umq. McKy, his spouse, heritably the half davach lands of Skinatt with the Iyle called Iylandguyle, with teinds, houses etc. in the barony of Kindaill lordship of Strathnaver and Sheriffdom of Sutherland, under reversion. Dated at Durnies [Durness] 3 February 1660. Witnesses: Angus McKy of Melnes [Melness], Thomas Mansone [Manson], N.P., Thomas Mansone, his servitor, and Andrew Mansone, writer thereof. 3/2/1660 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/2B Instrument of Sasine following on GD84/1/21/1B. Attorney: John McWilliam in Carnach. Bailie: Donald McJames in Balmulich. Notary: Thomas Mansone [Manson]. 22/7/1666 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/3B Assignation by Major High McKy [McKay] in Keldaill to John, Hugh, Anna and Christian McKy, his children, procreated between him and Umq. Euphan McKy, his spouse, of his first marriage, of 2000 merks contained in GD84/1/21/1B. Dated at Durnies [Durness] 3 February 1665. Witnesses: Thomas Mansone [Manson], N.P., Thomas Manson, his servitor, and Andrew Mansone, writer in Dornoch, writer thereof. 3/2/1665 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/4B MUTUAL OBLIGATION between Major High McKy [McKay] in Keldaill and John, Lord Reay, narrating GD84/1/21/1B relating to the lands of Skinet, in which lands, being part of the nine penny lands of Melnes [Melness], Angus McKy of Melnes and Katharein Gun his spouse are infeft in liferent and conjunct fee, under reversion, nevertheless said Angus has renounced his own liferent of said lands of Skinnat in favour of said lord and thereby said Katharein's liferent right to the said lands of Melnes including the said lands of Skinnat shall begin at the first term of Whitsunday immediately following her husband's decease if she survive him whereby said Major must be liable to remove at her pleasure from possession of said lands of Skinnat, therefore said Major binds himself to remove at said term, upon condition that said Lord infefts him in so much of the lands of Letterlyholl as will be of equal value, which said Lord binds himself to do. Dated at Durnies [Durness] -February 1656. Feb 1656 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/5B Assignation by John, Anna, Hugh and Christian McKy [McKay], lawful children procreated betwixt the deceased Major Iye Macky in Skinnett, and umq. Euphan McKy, his spouse, and Hector Monro, spouse to said Anna, for his interest, to Angus McKy in Ribigill, of GD84/1/21/4B. Dated at Ribigill 17 May 1679. Witnesses: John McKy of Skerry, John Sinclair of Ribigill, Murdo McKy in Trudirscrag, and James McKy of Kirtimie. William Campbell signs as notary on behalf of John, Hugh and Christian McKy, who cannot write. 17/5/1679 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/6B DISPOSITION by the same, with consent of James McKy [McKay] in Kirtimie and Angus Macky in Letterlyell `as friends and burdentakers', to the same, in respect of 2000 merks paid by grantee to the granters, of the lands mentioned in GD84/1/21/1B, under reversion. Dated at Ribigill and Toung [Tongue] 17 and 27 May and April 1678. Witnesses: John McKy of Skerry, John Sinclar of Ribigill, Murdo McKy in Trudirscrag, Donald Monro in Borgiemore and Mr. William McKy, factor to the Earl of Sutherland. William Campbell signs as notary as in GD84/1/21/5B. 1678 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/7B DISPOSITION by Angus Macky [McKay] in Ribigill, whereby in implement of Marriage Contract between him and Anna Sinclair, his spouse, of date 16.., he dispones to his said spouse in liferent, and to Hugh McKy, their eldest lawful son in fee, the lands mentioned in GD84/1/21/1B, under reservation of the liferent of said Angus. Dated at Ribigill 17 May 1679. Witnesses: John Sinclar of Ribigill and William Campbell, notary, writer thereof. 17/5/1679 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/8B Disposition and Renunciation by Hugh Macky [McKay], fiar of Skinet, to Donald Macky, his lawful brother, of the fee of said lands. Dated at Skinet 20 May 1699. 20/5/1699 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/9B PRECEPT of CLARE CONSTAT by George, Lord Reay, in favour of John Mackay [McKay] in Ballimullich, son of deceased Major Iye Mackay for infefting him in the lands mentioned in GD84/1/21/1B. Dated at Tongue 17 April 1723. Witnesses: Robert Mcnab and Kenneth Sutherland, servitors to said Lord, and Benjamin Doull, writer in Wick. 17/4/1723 This record is Open.
GD84/1/21/15 Instrument of Sasine following on Charter of Confirmation by George, Lord Reay, containing precept of Clare Constat in favour of Donald McKy [McKay] of Skerray, as nearest and lawful heir to deceased Hector McKy of Skerray, his father, of the lands of Skerray, port and strath thereof, which charter is dated at Tongue 17 May 1723 before these witnesses Benjamin Doull, writer in Wick, and Robert McNab, servitor to said Lord. Procurator: Donald Gorrie servitor to said Donald McKy. Bailie: Donald McEanviekonile at Tongue. 17 May 1723 This record is Open.
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