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Simple search for catalogue records where any field contains the word or phrase william hamiltoun, including undated records
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AD1/51 Instrument narrating (i) redemption by Katherine of Rathow, widow, for sum of £18 in gold and silver, paid to William Hamiltoun and Helen, his spouse, of piece of land in burgh of Lithgw called the Ufinlands, formerly pertaining to David Lecke, father of said Helen, and held in wadset by said Walter and Helen; and (ii) sasine of said land by said Katherine, with consent of George Levingstoun, her son, in favour of John Palmar and Janet, his spouse, in conjunct infeftment, in terms of charter by said Katherine, sealed with seal of James Parkle of that ilk, sheriff of Lithgw, and common seal of said burgh 5 Aug 1447 This record is Open.
E107/108 France: Procuratory by John Bog, 'escuyer' archer of the king's Scottish bodyguard, to William Hamiltoun, also archer, to demit his place in the guard in favour of his cousin, William Reidpethe, at the pleasure of their captain, the seigneur de Chateauvieux. 31 Jul 1580 This record is Open.
E107/118 France: Procuratories by Francis Mowbray, archer of the king's Scottish bodyguard, to William Hamiltoun, ensign of the company, to resign his place as an archer. 16 May 1588 This record is Open.
GD1/402/64 Precept of clare constat by Sir William Hamiltoun of Prestoun, kt., Bt., in favour of George Makclair in Prestoun as heir to his father, George Makclair, yr. in Prestoun, in a tenement in the town of Prestoun in the barony thereof, constabulary of Hadingtoun, sheriffdom of Edinburgh 30 May 1679 This record is Open.
GD1/449/176 Extract discharge by William Hamiltoun of Wishaw, general collector depute of taxation, to John Stewart, in name of the laird of Weyme, for £82:13:4d, being tax of the parsonage of Weyme. Regd. B.C.S., 11 November 1673 8 Nov 1673 This record is Open.
GD5/4 Signeted letters of inhibition at the instance of William Bartram [Bertram], portioner of Nisbet, against William Hamiltoun [Hamilton], portioner of Nisbet, following on (a) contract of wadset, 3 December 1622, whereby said William Hamilto set in tack to said William Bartram the 12s 6d land then occupied by h and his tenants in the town and territory of Nisbet, under redemption 320 merks, with other provisions; (b) disposition, 24 November 1621, by the said William Hamiltoun in favour of Mr Robert Somerwall [Somerville] on one half of the 25s land Nisbet extending to a 12s 6d land of old extent; and (c) disposition and assignation, 8 June 1622, by the said Robert in favour of the said William Bertram of (b) supra. 19/6/1623 This record is Open.
GD5/8 Precept of clare constat by Sir William Baillie of Lamingtoun [Lamingt in favour of William Bertram as heir to his father, deceased John Bert portioner of Nisbet, in one quarter of the lands of Nisbett extending a 25s land of old extent, in the half of the 25s land of Nisbet extend to a 12s 6d land of old extent, with the piece of land called the Headroume before the gate of the Laichhall and in the other half of th said 25s land of Nisbett which formerly pertained to William Hamiltoun [Hamilton], portioner of Nisbett, extending to a 12s 6d land of old extent, for the present occupied and possessed by the said William Bertram, extending altogether to a 50s land of old extent. [T 20/8/1660 This record is Open.
GD5/10 Instrument of sasine following on a precept of clare constat, 27 Augus 1660, by Alexander Menzies of Culterallores [Culterallers] in favour o William Bartrum [Bertram] as heir to his father, John Bartrum, portion of Nisbet, in a quarter, extending to a 12s 6d land, of the 50s land o old extent of Nisbet, sometime pertaining to William Lyndesay [Lindsay Nisbet, and the outfield and infield land sometime occupied by William Bartrum, father to the said John, between the outsets of William Hamiltoun [Hamilton], portioner there, and of William Bartrum the north and south respectively. Registered G R S, I, 133-5, 25 Marc 1661. 20/3/1661 This record is Open.
GD17/312 Sasine in favour of James Kaa, son of William Kaa, burgess of Linlithgow, and Agnes Hering, his future spouse 12 Feb 1607 This record is Open.
GD18/782 Bond by Mr William Hamiltoun [Hamilton], minister at Penycuik [Penicuik], to grant new tacks of teinds to John Clerk of Penycuik, following on presentation of said William to said parish. 23 Oct 1663 Access conditions may apply - please click on reference to display details. Check details
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National Records of Scotland, H.M. General Register House, 2 Princes Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YY; email: [email protected]