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Advanced search for catalogue records where reference number starts GD84/1/27/7 , including undated records
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GD84/1/27/7 Discharge and Renunciation by John Mackay [McKay] of Meleness [Melness] in favour of George, Lord Reay, narrating Marriage Contract, dated 1 and 8 May 1658, and Registered in the Sheriff Court Books of Sutherland 15 May 1676 between John, Lord Reay, as burden taker for Lieut. Col. Angus Mackay, his brother german, with consent of said Angus, on the one part, and John Gun [Gunn] of Killernan [Killearnan] as burden taker for Kaitharin Gun, his lawful sister, procreated betwixt the deceased Alexander Gun of Killernan and the deceased Dame Mary Mackay Lady Fowlis [Foulis], with consent of said Kaitharin, on the other part, whereby for causes therein specified said John, Lord Reay, obliged him and his heirs to infeft said Lieut. Col. Angus Mackay and Kaithrin Gun, then his future spouse, in conjunct fee and liferent in all and whole the wester nine penny and half penny land of Meleness in the barony of Kintail, and also said John, Lord Reay bound himself to make payment to the heirs male to be procreated betwixt the said Angus Mackay and Kaitharine Gun at the term of Whitsunday following their decease of the sum of 4000 merks and to infeft said heirs in so much of said lands for payment of annualrent of said sum, - to which Marriage Contract and sum of 4000 merks and sasine following thereon said John Mackay has right by Disposition and Assignation from said deceased Angus Mackay (therein designed of Meleness) and Kaitharin Gun, his spouse, father and mother of said John Mackay, dated 6 July 1697; and seeing the said George, Lord Reay, has made payment to said John Mackay of said sum of 4000 merks therefore said John Mackay as having right by said Disposition and Assignation and as eldest lawful son and heir procreated betwixt said Angus Mackay and Kaitharin Gun Discharges said George, Lord Reay, his heirs and others the representatives of said John, Lord Reay, of said sum of 4000 merks and annualrents thereof and of said Marriage Contract and Disposition and Assignation thereof and renounces said lands and delivers up the writs but in respect the said Disposition and Assignation also conveys the contract of wodset of the lands of Froskill and so cannot be given up said John Mackay binds himself to register the same and deliver an Extract thereof. Dated at Mellness 25 February and Registered P.R.S. Inverness 1 March 1726. Witnesses: Hugh Munro and Angus MackIntosh, servitors to said Lord Reay. 25/2/1726 This record is Open.
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