Single record details
Reference | Title | Date |
GD112 | Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) | 1306-20th century |
GD112/2 | Titles to Particular Lands | 1398-1907 |
Country code |
GB |
Repository code |
234 |
Repository |
National Records of Scotland |
Reference |
GD112/2/107 |
Title |
Lorn (entire), Argyll |
Dates |
1470-1814 |
Access status |
Open |
Location |
On site |
Description |
Including: 1. Copy charter by Colin, earl of Ergyle, to Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt., of 6 merkland of Barcaltin, 4 merkland of the two Culcarrans, 6 merkland of Feairlochan, 6 merkland of Achakathe, 6 merkland of Achianragir, 4 merkland of Inerdergan, 2 merkland of Condallych, 2 merkland of Letterduvaltane and Dareanlochan, 2 merkland of Glentenle, 2 merkland of Blaircroske, 8 merkland of Achanaba, 2 merkland of Caderle More, 2 merkland of Barnadeass and Barsalchan, 2 merkland of Corevore, 2 merkland of Drumavoke, 2 merkland of Gleniferme, 2 merkland of Ballach, 2 merkland of Corevlycheag, 2 merkland of Barnamuk, 2 merkland of Terriwin and Clachvrak, 2 merkland of Crounachie, 2 merkland of Barmdryn, 4 merkland of Furtove and Duvcove of Gleno, 2 merkland of Errare, 2 merkland of Inercarnane and Lettermolchallum, third part of 2 merks of forest called Penemore, 8 merkland of Keanlochlagan, 2 merkland of Achichoskrachan, one merkland of Finaltin, 4 merkland of Achinagon, 3 merkland of Innerahawle, one merkland of Corelorne, 20s land of Portcarrane, 3 merkland of Balleveolane, 2 merkland of Castin Chaven, 2 merkland of Ballemakillychane, 5 merkland of Ballegrounvolava, 40d (land of) Keanalachan, 2 merkland of Sornvallach, 6 merkland of Barrangearre, 4 merkland of Barnacarry, one merkland of Coirferne, a third part of 2 merkland of Achichicheych, and third part of 12 merkland of Sorapa and a third part of 5 merkland of Kilbride in Achicogna, a third part of 4 merkland of Ardoran Easter and a third part of 6 merkland of Barnacarry, in lordship of Lorne, sheriffdom of Argyll. At Inverera, 17 December 1470. Witnesses: James Skrimgeour of Glasrad, Colin Campbell of Ardchonglas, David Uchtre, provost of collegiate church of St Mundus (Kilmun), notary, Neil Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Archibald McYwr, Angus 'Medico' [leech], and John son of Duncan Campbell.
2. Copy bond by Colin, earl of Argyll, to Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt., and Duncan Campbell, his son, that they shall have for their lifetimes the following freedoms and privileges, viz. the third gift and advocation of all kirks and benefices of Lorne, the third part of all escheats of granter's part of baron courts of whole lordship of Lorne, that granter will content said Duncan and Colin for third part of lands of Dolar and Achagdruysyde, 'item anent the haill steuartry of Glenurquhy wee give our gudewill and consent thairof till our said eme Sir Coline and till his aires sa that they or ony of thaim can accord with Johne McGregor anent the steuartry of his landis the quhilk he hes of us', and granting said Colin his own lands of the stewartry of Glenurquhay and of McLauchlane's lands there, that said Colin and his heirs shall not pay to granter and his heirs but 40 merks for relief of whole lands that said Colin holds of granter in Glenurquhay and Lochow. At our manor place of Inverara, 18 December 1470. Notarially attested.
3. Copy letters by Colin, earl of Argyll, mentioning charter by granter to deceased Colin Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt., his grandson, of a third part of lands of lordship of Lorne, with a third part of tenandry thereof, now granted to Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, son and heir of said deceased Colin, with a third part of lands of Alexander MacDowell and Alan Yhounge in said lordship of Lorne, and a third part of tenantry thereof, 15 August 1481. Witnesses: John Ross of Morgreenane, Mr Richard Lausone, Duncan Stewart, John Striveling and William Somirvell.
4. Signet letters charging Archibald, earl of Ergile, for himself and as heir to deceased Colin, earl of Ergile, his father, to compear before king and council at Edinburgh to answer at instance of Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, and pay him a third of all escheats, unlaws, profits and amerciaments of courts within lordship of Lorne, pertaining to said Duncan heritably, and wrangeously intromitted with by said Archibald, for two years bypast, extending yearly to the sum of £151 scots, 31 January a.r. 18 (?1506). Trace of applied signet.
5. Note by Dougal McArthour, writer of court, of profits of courts of Benderloch at Auchnaba (11 December 1576) and Mid Lorne (15 December 1576).
9-10. Inventories of writs of the lordship of Lorne, n.d. |
Level |
File |
Extent |
10 items |