Single record details
Reference | Title | Date |
GD112 | Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane (Breadalbane Muniments) | 1306-20th century |
GD112/16 | Estate Papers | 1615-1908 |
Country code |
GB |
Repository code |
234 |
Repository |
National Records of Scotland |
Reference |
GD112/16/11/2 |
Title |
Papers relating to woods |
Dates |
1620-1788 |
Access status |
Open |
Location |
On site |
Description |
Including: 1. Discharge by Robert Robertsoun of Stroane of letters of lawburrows raised at his instance against Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhay, kt, 15 December 1620. Endorsed `anent the woods of Rannoch'.
2. Warrant by Robert Robertsone of Strowan charging John McConnochie VcInnes, his forester of the wood of Rannoch, to cut the Laird of Glenurquhay the twelve score of fir spars for which he has paid, 11 November 1623.
3. Contract between Robert Campbell of Glenfalloch and Andrew Kerr, skinner, citiner of Dunblane, whereby said Robert dispones to said Andrew oak trees and timber of Ardchandeknockane, with oak trees on know of Eister Dowlater and others in lordship of Strathgartnay, stewartry of Menteith, for 7 years, 4 February 1628.
4. Backbond by John Campbell, fiar of Glenurquhay, to Sir Robert Campbell of Glenurwuhay, kt, bt, his father, whereby said John binds himself not to dispone woods growing on Nether Tullibenacher in stewartry of Stratherne, sheriffdom of Perth, for the space of three years, and to deliver to said Robert any surplus over 3000 merks scots received for said woods, 19 October 1641.
5. Renunciation by Patrick Campbell of Edinkept to John Campbell of Glenurchy, younger, of fir woods, bushes and parks on lands of Murlaganbeg and Daldravaige, planted and parked by deceased Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, kt, bt, 26 March 1663.
6. Contract between John Campbell of Glenurchay, younger, and John Campbell, brother german to Archibald Campbell of Inveraw, whereby the former dispones to the latter the growth of all oakwoods on lands of Barnadeish and Barhalachan, upon Lochetive, etc, 8 April 1669.
8. Bond by Robert Campbell of Glenlyone to deliver to the Laird of Glenurchay before 1 July next, at the sawmill of Glenlyone, the number of eight score deals, 14 foot long and 10-12 inches broad, and 1½ inch thick, of fir, 24 December 1672.
11. Discharge by Robert Campbell of Glenlyon to John, earl of Caithness [Breadalbane], of any obligation upon him on contract between deceased Captain John Crafoord and granter, and binding himself to deliver to said earl, 400 fir trees of the best already cut, 23 January 1679.
12. Articles of agreement between John, earl of Bred-Albany, on one part, and Richard Frith and Elias Beake, gentlemen, on other part, whereby said earl is to grant libery to the other two to pierce firtrees in his woods for extracting turpentine, to 30 August next, `providing that it be not found by experience that the extracting the sapp dos irrevocably kill the tree'. Westminster, 26 March 1692.
14. Contract between John, earl of Breadalbane, and William Campbell, son of Robert Campbell of Glenfalloch, whereby said John dispones to said William oak wood growing on easter and Wester Barrs and Glenoe, on both sides of Locheile, till 15 July 1721, 8 November 1718. With receipts for the money due, 1719 (nos 15-16).
17. Account of deals sawn at the mill of Roro since 16 October 1718, and how they are disposed of, and account of bark transported from sawmill of Roro since the same date, 1721.
18. An exact account of all the trees in the firwoods of Roro, 1721.
19. Memo for the Laird of Monzie anent bargain with Glenlyon anent woods of Roro, including `in regaird that John Campbell younger of Rorro threatned in presence of Fonab and Kinloch that he would not allow the verry horses that should draw the timber to the milne to eat a pluck of grass within the bounds of the forsaid woods or lands, whereas Glenlyon would need a liberty of grass not only for horses to draw the timber but likewise for some milk cows by reasin he most of necessity stay there in person for a moneth or thereby in sumertime, else he can make nothing of it, to oversee the work'.
20-1. Letters from John Campbell of Glenlyon to Patrick Campbell of Monzie. Chesthill, 13 November 1721, 21 January 1723. Bargain over woods of Campbell of Roro, described as the old fox.
23. Letter from Duncan Campbell of Lochnell to the Laird of Monzie. Lochnell, 9 September 1723. Solicits interest for Mr John Skeldoch to be planted in parish of Luing and Seill in Netherlorn, vacant through transportation of its present minister, Mr Donald Morison; `I think I may promise he'll not be such a stiffe head stronge cleirgieman as Mr Morison was in that place'.
26. Letter from Duncan Campbell of Lochnell to Lord Monzie. Bunnaw, 27 September 1728. Inspection of woods sold to Captain Galbraith.
32-3. Memo on revising draught articles formed for foundation of contract of sale of Lord Glenorchy's woods in Argyllshire, 19 September 1751.
35-6. Scroll contract of sale of certain woods in Argyllshire sold to the Bunaw furnace co, 1775.
37-9. Account of wood sold after 18 February 1786 to 10 November 1786.
40. List of oak reserves in woods on both sides of Lochtay between east march of Crannich to Bridge of Lochy on north side, and on south side from west march of Achmore to east side of Ardtalnaig, including the Hermitage den in Acharn, 1786.
43. Contract between John, earl of Breadalbane, on one part, and Patrick Carmichael in Migger, James Sinclair and Alexander Ferguson in Portmore, and Thomas Hepburn of Colquhirlzie, as cautioner, on other part, whereby said earl dispones to the others the oak woods on both sides of Lochtay, sold in roup. 10 April 1787. 21 January 1788. |
Level |
File |
Extent |
43 items |